Street culture arrived in the first country in Argentina, it was May 2020 when I met the first rider who would become part of the street culture mag family, I knew that I wanted to have a great magazine that covered the most underground and wild scenes on the planet, The first thing I would need is to create a family with kids to support and to film videos together with streetculture mag and that's when I met Juan Manuel de la Arena, better known as Juanmama.
My name is Juanma and I was born in the south of the planet , I am from the Argentine Patagonia . Where life is magical , authentic and real , close to nature .
Having arrived at such a special place made my perception of life different from the beginning . I always felt that life had a deeper meaning than others used to believe , guided by my feeling to start my search for that true meaning . I can say that I was finding it and I am still doing it , it is an endless search , it is a constant adventure .
He is a bmx rider, filmmaker and photographer. He has 20 years. He lived for a few years in the Cordovan capital, where he evolved a lot as a bmx rider, behind the camera and as a person. His meet riders from all over the country and America, ride many times and Currently his video part is published in dig bmx.
Currently he is living in Bariloche, he chose a life close to nature, for his inner balance, self-knowledge and his spiritual search.
He is co-creator of a company called "@_arterevolucion_" It is an audiovisual production company with artistic direction, oriented to the creation of audiovisual projects and events of multiple variables related to art.